Crowding correction

Lower teeth crowding correction

Crowding occurs when there is a lack of space between the teeth, causing abnormal, twisted or out-of-place alignment along your jaw. While several factors can cause these issues, it’s crucial to get overcrowding treated to improve your oral health.

What causes lower teeth crowding?

Teeth crowding can occur for several reasons, though genetics often play a predominant role. If you or your child’s jaw is too small, your teeth may not grow normally, causing them to be overcrowded.

Other factors can also influence crowding, including:

  • Extra adult teeth.
  • Large teeth, sometimes caused by specific syndromes.
  • Premature baby tooth loss.
  • Unusual tooth growth.

Regardless of why your crowding started, you may see different levels of severity, ranging from a lack of space that affects only one or two teeth to many.

Symptoms of lower crowding teeth

While you will be able to tell if you or your child has crowded teeth,

While you’ll be able to see if you or your child have overlapping or crowded teeth, there are other signs to look out for. Common symptoms include:

  • Teeth that overlap.
  • Jaw pain.
  • Trouble flossing or brushing teeth.
  • Gums that bleed after flossing.
  • Crossbite.
  • Discomfort of the teeth, especially when biting.
  • Teeth that are crooked or angled.
  • Overjet that has become excessive.
  • Difficulty with biting or chewing.

How is lower teeth crowding treated?

We can treat lower teeth crowding in several ways, allowing you or your child to find the right option for your lifestyle and preferences. Our treatments include:

  • Braces: Metal and ceramic braces can be used to treat overcrowded teeth. Metal braces are the most traditional, using an arch and brackets made from metal to straighten and align teeth. Ceramic braces perform the same way, although the brackets are clear or tooth-colored to blend in with your smile.
  • Invisalign®: Invisalign is a popular type of clear aligner for teenagers and adults. They’re an effective, discreet and convenient option.
  • Spacers: Spacers help spread out the teeth. Rubber and metal spacers are used for short-term and long-term use, respectively.
  • Retainers: Retainers are most beneficial after another orthodontic treatment, like braces. They help keep your teeth in the correct position to prevent a return of overcrowding.

Your orthodontist will discuss your options and recommend the ones that will work best for your overcrowding.

Get started today

Correcting the crowding of the teeth on your lower jaw offers numerous benefits. These advantages include:

  • Improved oral health: When you fix overcrowding, you’ll often have less pain, reduced risk of disease and an easier time chewing and biting. Straight teeth also help you maintain your oral hygiene because you can floss and brush better, helping prevent decay and cavities.
  • Enhanced confidence: You or your child will feel better when you have a straighter smile because you no longer have to face the stigma associated with crowded teeth.